Conditional Calling Day 2 Eli

Conditional Calling Day 2 Eli

Conditional Calling 2

From day one of the Conditional Calling Series we see the benefits of obedience and how whole nations can be blessed and inherit blessings such as Abrahams lineage did as a result of Gods favor and Abraham’s obedience. However lets review the cost of disobedience. The story of Eli and his sons is a prime example when not hearkening to God can change your destiny and those around you as well. In this story Eli’s sons did much evil in Israel and Eli did not chastise his sons for their wickedness, he simply loved his sons more than he loved God and neglected to edify and correct them on the ways of the Most High and his expectations of the priesthood. Eli’s disobedience cost his whole bloodline the priesthood and God simply moved on to Samuel, a faithful priest that he rose up and God ultimately cut Eli’s sons off. The tragic lesson is that yes while God has a will for all of our lives we can deviate from that will and suffer steep tragedies to the point where we lose our grace with Him. However all is not lost and our repentance and faithful devotion to God can steer us back on his path for us. What Satan intended for evil God can use for good, however disobedience can cost us unnecessary warfare and deter us away from Gods original perfect plan for us.

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