Get Back Up

Get Back Up

One thing I have always observed about babies when they are toddling around is that no matter how many times they fall they always just get right back up. Rarely will they show frustration because it is almost as though when they fall the determination they have to get back up supersedes their frustration about falling down.

Maybe in your walk with God something happened and you fell down. Maybe you fell off your post due to warfare, the loss of a loved one or maybe you lost sight of the assignment you were own or you experienced hope deferred. Either way you only lose when you quit in this race to God’s Kingdom.

I get it if it were an easy race everyone would be doing it but through God’s grace we have been given the ability that no matter our mistakes or mishaps or the weariness that can come over time, God will always give us the ability to get back up again.

Forgive yourself for any of the mistakes you have made along the way or ask Your Father to strengthen your recovery time to heal so that you can get back up and in the race.

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