Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace

Stop worrying and you’ll have perfect peace. Thats basically the jist of Ephesians 4:6-7. Sounds simple. A basic one-step instruction. But it is so much easier said than done. Have you ever tried to remain calm in a room full of chaos? Or have you ever tried to fall asleep in a room full of noise? Both things seem hard to imagine and if you’ve ever been in either situation, you know how difficult remaining calm amid chaos or noise is. These examples of trying to achieve physical peace while in an environment that is not conducive for doing so are things I think we can all imagine. There has to be a certain level of cooperation from your environment to achieve a goal like peace right? At least when we’re talking about trying to take a nap. Spiritual peace though, is an inner peace not based on anything outside of yourself. This peace comes from knowing the Word of God and believing it. I mean wholeheartedly. You have to know that you know, without a shadow of doubt that what Yah’s Word says about you is true and everything else is lie. For example, You might say ” I’m broke”, and it might be a fact, but that doesn’t make it true. The word of God says that you are rich through Christ (2 Corinthians 8:9), and nothing holds more weight or is truer than God’s word. Not even what we see with our eyes. There was an old call and response song we used to sing in church when I was a girl, it went:(call) Whose report shall you believe? (response) We shall believe the report of the Lord! His report says I am healed, His report says I am filled, His report says I am free, His report says victory!
I used to suffer from panic attacks. And when it wasn’t a full blown panic attack, I was rittled with anxiety. I used to always have to know what time it was. Why? So I could beat myself up mentally for not being on task, that’s why. There seemed to be a constant barrage of voices in my head yelling at, nagging me, pestering me, and pretty much keeping me tied up in knots. Even when I slept, my brain never seemed to shut up. Since undergoing a deliverance from any spirts associated with anxiety, all that has stopped. I can sit in a quiet room and get this…enjoy the quiet. I havnt battled with anxiety (or depression) in over a month now. These feelings had been commonplace in my life since the age of about 13 are all gone, And all I did was accept a free gift from my Savior and started to believe what He says about me and instead of what my circumstance says. He promised me that by His stripes I was healed( Isaiah 53:5), He promised me that if I give it shall be given back to me(Luke 6:38), and He promised me a peace that surpasses all understanding (Phillipians 4:7)if I trust in Him. So my question to you is, whose report do you believe? If you believe what the Word says about you, that you are free from bondage and that you have perfect peace, act like it. Don’t be troubled or dismayed (John 14:27), everything you need Yah has it for you. Even peace.

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