No testimony without the Testing

No testimony without the Testing

When I started this blog I was really hit hard in my finances yet God sent many out of no where to contribute to help this blog to come into fruition. Meanwhile I did not feel qualified to even write or minister anything to anyone because I was still in an intense battle and I felt that I would only be qualified once I had truly overcome. The only problem there is that this battle is an extended one that lasts to the end of this age. It does not stop just because I’m tired of it, it only subsides while the other side restrategizes it’s tactics and prepared to shoot arrows again. I had some moments where I felt the retreat of the enemy and other times I felt the overwhelming feeling of being sifted as wheat and those times were intense but yet with God I overcame. One reason why this platform is important to me is because it’s comprised of more than one written contributor and it’s only here for the purpose of exposure, encouragement and to be a tool to help us all overcome Satan by the words of our written testimony to Glorify Father God. With that said I would like to share one of mine. As I stated earlier when I started this I was hit hard in my finances and was in a deep wilderness and isolation and I did not feel qualified to minister to anyone. I did not understand that while I was being pruned and put under a refiners fire I could still be used. One thing about this journey it is levels to everything as it relates to what we have to overcome and our levels of understanding of these things. But one thing that I have grown to understand over time is that our response to the warfare is golden. It will determine if there are delays in your deliverance or breakthroughs or not. I have been mocked, shunned, accused, belittled and there have even been attempts to extort me. Having said that it doesn’t matter the persecution or trials, how we respond when these things come up determines it all. One of the important things I learned is how to not complain and take some L’s with gladness during my testing. As I was going through warfare I was praying hard for debt removal for student loans that some of these loans I took out as a minor. The more I researched the higher level principalities that we are wrestling I began to understand that with debt bondage such as student loans, child support and anything that has something to do with potentially blocking your freedom this is always of the marine kingdom. As I struggled to battle those spirits I find that after all of the wisdom I’ve obtained they will continue to try to sneak back in one way or another and be that as it may be as I did previously battle these entities when I did win the battle my 87,000 student loan debt was taken away from me. My credit was in the higher 700s and all the things that had previously held me down such as I make 10,000 and the next day I need 11,000 has stopped. What I will say is that with continued prayer and fasting, consecration and being void of murmuring no matter how much you are being wrongfully accused or harshly belittled or whatever, you will overcome. God will bless those who faithfully serve him and who are honestly seeking with a pure heart to serve his people. To be honest I feel guilty that I did not record more of my testimonies but it got to the point to where they were so plentiful that I could not keep up with them. My takeaway from my own experience and that of others is that we overcome Satan by our testimonies but without the testing there will be no testimony. This is all we really need to be speaking on and nothing more really. Consider all that God has done for you and praise Yah for all that He is doing that you did not even pray for. God thrives in your testimonies so remember that you have some of them when your testing comes back up and your response to the testing is everything.

1 comment on “No testimony without the Testing

  1. Erin Jones-Booth says:

    Amen! He is ALWAYS faithful…we just have to have faith. It is our job to make sure He gets his glory so we have to testify, tell everyone how good He is. Not because you want another blessing but because He deserves our praise even if He never does another thing for us.

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