For the Weary Woman

For the Weary Woman

For the woman of God who is trying to endure to the end, I get it this is an ongoing battle to maintain your sanity. Often times while in your struggle of maintenance your heart grows so weary it seems that it may give. The whole earth is falling away and you may be alone, a single mother or even one with a spouse who wears blinders as a permanent accessory and you on the other hand have the burden of knowledge. Either way the times of now seem unbearable and when you “know” it’s an extremely difficult and lonely mantle. Notice how I said burden of knowledge because Solomon said it best, that with much wisdom is much grief and with much, knowledge increases sorrow. Ecc 1:18.
When you have been called to awaken it is by no means cupcakes and rainbows, nor will the world stop just because you are aware of the war tactics of Satan. You still have to adjust between cooking, cleaning, child wearing, work and responsibilities all while spontaneously waging war with relentless spirits continuously. It doesn’t matter how developed you are in warfare it seems that things have become so demonically charged its even hard to have a simple conversation while pretending to be on the same plane of thought as the rest of society. It’s hard to even be friendly when now your Personal health decisions or lack of is somehow a violation of someone else’s safety and not HIPPA.
Be that as it may one thing I’ve encountered in my isolation is Jezebel. This spirit wants to take over your households and ministries and anyone in any kind of leadership position or any intercessors. If you are alone this spirit considers you an easy prey even if you have the full anointing of God because it’s goal is to isolate you specifically so if by nature for whatever reason you are alone you have to keep the full armor of God on you.
One thing worth reviewing is the prophet Elijah’s encounter with Jezebel. The spirit behind Jezebel was so fierce Elijah wanted to give up his purpose and calling and was ready to die and I personally fight those feelings when I’ve sometimes felt this spirit had bruised me in battle. The urge to run away was so heavy I had to pray to God to let me sleep through my thoughts to rest my mind enough to fight back.
What has helped me with not just the battle that requires serious discipline and fasting was remembering that in this story of Elijah, Obadiah hid 100 prophets in a cave. When Elijah felt alone as we often times will with a mantle of any kind of teacher or prophet or messenger, it helped him to forge though because he knew he was not the only one even if the others are far away and you don’t know them it does help to know there are others somewhere going through the same thing fighting the same war you all are petitioned to wage.
Gods nature doesn’t change so as you are alone, isolated and seem to be unaccounted for remember that somewhere there are prophets being hidden in an obscure place just like you. Don’t spend much time on who isn’t here anymore, chances are they were not for relationship but for assignment, don’t think too hard on who dropped out of the race if it is hard for you to not faint consider the others.
If you feel slighted just know that not everyone is built for the next season you are entering in. And lastly consider facts over feelings and know that Jezebel is extremely intelligent so most of your “feelings” stem from some elevated mind game. No matter how strong these spirits are be encouraged, Jesus showed us that he has overcome the world so keep your eyes focused on Him.

1 comment on “For the Weary Woman

  1. Erin says:

    Always on time ❤🙏🏽

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