Have Faith, Faithfully

Have Faith, Faithfully

Therefore I say to you, whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you will receive it, and it will be so for you. (Mark 11:24 CEB)
It’s really quite simple, but we overcomplicate things by overthinking, by relying on our natural senses, and by being afraid.

The way a small child hangs on every word of their parent, they have confidence that what was said, is what will be done regardless of what else is happening. This is the level of faith we need to have if we expect to receive all the blessings of the Lord. We have to have faith, faithfully. We have to continue to believe even when the math ain’t mathing. We have to continue to trust even when it physically hurts. We have to know, that we know, that we know, that God, our Father WILL do what He said He would do.

Since I was a very young girl, I would get boils. Boils, if you’ve never had one, are awful. They are painful and sometimes hard to get rid of. Some people are so troubled by them they have to seek medical intervention to give them relief from the pain. At 20, I was that person. I had several cysts removed that I was told were responsible for causing the boils I had been expirencing for many, many years at that point. The procedure went well and after a short recovery, I was boil free. Imagine my surprise when I began to get these boils again recently. To put this in perspective, that surgery was completed 20 years ago.

When I started getting these very painful symptoms, I immediately knew what it was. “Here we go again” I thought. I would get rid of one and another would appear. It was a nightmare. And after the 3rd (or 4th) consecutive bout with a boil, I was downright depressed. It was painful to sit, uncomfortable to lay, and hard to stand for too long. Also, it’s pretty hard to feel anything but gross with a marble sized pimple in your hard to reach places.
While in church, the Mother that was ministering began to speak in the prophetic. She asked, “who has a boil? Who has been been suffering with boils” I answered “me” and she responded, “receive your healing in Jesus name”, and I replied “I receive it”. Within hours the boil I’d had began to shrink and dry out. By the next day, it was gone. It worked! I had faith and Yah provided for me. I was grateful. And I made up in my mind that I would never suffer with boils another day in my life.

Several weeks had passed and I felt a very familiar stabbing in the area where I tended to get boils. The voice in my head told me that I was getting another boil, I told the devil he is liar. As the day went on, I continued to feel the stabbing sensation that I’ve felt too many times to count, and all day that voice tried to convince that my God had failed me, I wasn’t healed, and that I, in fact, had ANOTHER boil. I repeated over and over that I am healed and everything else is a lie.
As I prepared to shower that evening, the area began to throb. The thought occurred to me that I better take look and see if there was a boil formed. I mean, I wanted to to treat it if so so it didn’t get out of hand. But something rose up in me and said “have faith”. I began to pray and thank God for healing and delivering me from the infirmity causing these boils all this many years. I praised Him for always coming through and for being faithful. Then He told me that faithfulness is required of me as well. I have to have faith, faithfully.

I repented for my unbelief. You see , God made a promise to me thousands of years ago. He promised me that by the stripes (lashes that received during crucifixion) of Yeshua I was healed (Isaiah 53:5). It’s my job to have faith in this promise. So I owed Yah an apology. Then I thanked Him, over and over again for delivering me by the power of His blood , and through the proclamation of the church Mother. The stabbing pain, the tingling, the tenderness all disappeared and I still haven’t “taken a look” to see. I just know that I know that I know, I am healed. I trust God and I believe in his promises.

Is there a promise that You are having trouble believing in? Find your foundational scripture and stand on it! Believe even when your eyes can’t see. Have faith, faithfully, and God will be faithful to do what He said He would do.
Have faith in your “failing” marriage, have faith in your “poor” heath, have faith in your “lacking” finances. Have the kind of faith that looks beyond what can be seen or even what is logical to our carnal mind. Believe for what you want, for what God says, and let everything and everyone else be a lie. With a childlike faith, have faith. Faithfully. And you will never be ashamed. Shalom.

1 comment on “Have Faith, Faithfully

  1. Janis Shury says:

    There are few things as painful as boils, I am so glad TMH chose boils to heal for you. This testimony is a powerful one because had you checked to see what stage the new boil was at, it would have come due to your lack of faith, like Peter sinking in the water!
    I Thank TMH for your healing becoming yet another example of YAH’s commitment to us all when we have the faith that is needed, so he can help us!

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